Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fuck the Russians! (Oops...)

Well, well, well. Look what all the posturing hath wrought over in the space program

Here's the money graph

NASA currently has a deal with Russia to fly astronauts to the International Space Station aboard Russian-built Soyuz spacecraft through 2011, but would have to seek new approvals from Congress to extend the agreement beyond that deadline

Hah haha hah. It's fucked up NASA!

The shuttles are obsolete and very dangerous and it's really pushing things for them to fly even until 2010 as planned. The Orion thing is waay wrong and behind schedule and probably won't be ready until 2016 or so if then... and it turns out 'Murrica only has an agreement with Russia to haul their Buck Rogers asses up to the Space Station on Soyuz through 2011. 


Gonna be kinda hard to slap all those sanctions on the Russkies and plant rockets all around their country in every direction and threaten them with every other breath when you HAVE TO BUM A RIDE from them to get to your trillion dollar space toy.


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